DCGM302Dc Motor, Low Speed Gear Motor, 3-18 Volt$5.99 - $390DCGM304Dc Gear Motor, Low Speed$4.50 - $350GEARBX_2Motor With Gearbox$22MGDK
Bicycle Electric Generator
This Bicycle Electric Generator, also known as a Bicycle Dynamo, is a small but powerful device that can be attached to any turning tire, including a bike, to produce electricity. The amount of electricity generated depends on the speed of turning, and it is rated at 6 volts and 3 watts. This generator is perfect for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint while enjoying a leisurely bike ride.
Product Specifications:
Product Name Bicycle Electric Generator (Bicycle Dynamo, 6 Volts, 3 Watts) Type Electric Application Bicycle, Generator, Dynamo Power Output 3 Watts Voltage Output 6 Volts Perfect for:
- Bicycle enthusiasts who want to power their devices while on the go
- Cyclists who want to reduce their carbon footprint by generating their own electricity
- Outdoor adventurers who need a reliable source of power in remote locations
- Environmentalists who want to promote sustainable energy practices
Gear Motor, 200 Rpm, 3V - 6V, Wholesale Only
Dc Motor, Low Speed Gear Motor, 3-18 Volt (Also A Generator)
Dc Motor, Low Speed Gear Motor, 3-18 Volt
Dc Gear Motor, Low Speed Gear Motor, 3-18 Volt
Dc Gear Motor, Low Speed
Motor With Gearbox
Electric Generator, Hand Cranked With Clear Shell, Educational
Moto Generator Demonstration Kit
Demonstrational Windmill Generator & Proportion Kit
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