DPSTBKnife Switch, Dpst, Deluxe With Black Knobs$0 - $4.50SPDT3FKnife Switch, Spdt, Educational$2.75 - $1350
Knife Switch, Double Pole Double Throw
This Knife Switch, Double Pole Double Throw is perfect for experiments and science projects. It features a cross, X-connector design and includes screw type binding posts as well as 3 screw holes for mounting on a board. This discontinued product is available in limited quantities at super low prices. Don't miss out on this great deal!
Product Specifications:
Product Name Knife Switch, Double Pole, Double Throw Type Double, Cross, X-Connector Binding Posts Screw Type Mounting 3 Screw Holes for Board Mounting Suitable For Experiments and Science Projects Availability Discontinued Product, Limited Quantities Available, Super Low Prices
Perfect for:
- Science teachers
- Science students
- Science enthusiasts
- Experimenters
- DIYers
- Electronics hobbyists