Mirror, Convex, D:75Mm, Fl:200

Wide view circular mirror for science experiments or vehicles.

Wide View Circular Mirror

The Wide View Circular Mirror with a diameter of 3 inches (75 mm) and a focal point of 8 inches (20 cm) is a versatile tool that can be used in various applications. It is commonly used in science experiments to demonstrate how parallel light beams, such as sunlight, diverge and cover a larger area. Additionally, it can be used as a wide view mirror for cars, trucks, motorbikes, or for security/surveillance purposes. For an even wider view, you may choose a convex mirror with a smaller focal point, such as the Mirex75100.

Product Specifications:

Product Name Mirror, Convex, D:75Mm, Fl:200
Additional Product Name Convex, Mirror, Fl2

Similar Products

  • Wide View Convex Mirror with 3 Inches (75mm) Diameter and 100mm Focal Point
  • Convex Mirror with 2 Inches (50mm) Diameter and 150mm Focal Point
  • Flat Mirror with 4 Inches (100mm) Diameter and 200mm Focal Point
  • Convex Mirror with 5 Inches (125mm) Diameter and 300mm Focal Point
  • Wide View Circular Mirror with 6 Inches (150mm) Diameter and 250mm Focal Point

Note: These are similar products, and each product is different, so research is required to find the best fit for your needs.

CAUTION: When using the Wide View Circular Mirror for driving or surveillance purposes, be aware that objects may appear smaller and farther away than they actually are due to the convex shape of the mirror. Use with caution and always double check before making any maneuvers.

Perfect for:

  • Science teachers and students
  • Drivers of cars, trucks, and motorbikes
  • Security and surveillance professionals

  • Availability: In Stock
  • Model: MIREX75200
  • Brand: MiniScience